- Consolidation & International Shipping service for your purchases from suppliers/factories on Alibaba and other platforms in China
- Get all your suppliers to have your goods sent to our warehouse in China and we’ll ship all your goods together internationally to minimize shipping costs
- Enjoy free storage, consolidation & repacking services at our China Warehouse before shipping internationally
- We can ship either to you, your customers around the world or even to warehouses and Fulfillment Centers (including Amazon FBA warehouses) worldwid
we are the China-based Alibaba Shipping Agent and Freight Forwarder enabling individuals and businesses all over the world to consolidate packages and ship internationally from one or multiple Alibaba suppliers (the suppliers do not necessarily have to be from Alibaba – our service can help you ship from simply any supplier/vendor/factory in China).
Most China factories on Alibaba and other similar platforms will require you to have an international shipping agent before taking your order
One of the first things many factories in China will ask you before taking your order is whether you have an international shipping agent. They need you to give them your China shipping agent’s warehouse address for them to send the goods to. From there, your China shipping agent will consolidate and ship your goods together internationally to you. we will therefore be your international shipping agent and offer you a warehouse address located in Guangdong province – the logistical and import-export hub of China with access to the most shipping routes from China at the lowest shipping rates.

Using us as your Alibaba International Shipping Agent
Have your packages from one or multiple Alibaba suppliers/factories sent to our warehouse in China and we’ll consolidate and ship internationally to you via air, sea or rail
Buying samples or buying in bulk from multiple Alibaba suppliers or factories in China and need us to consolidate them and have them shipped together internationally to you? This will help you to minimize your international shipping costs from China since it would cost much more to have each individual product shipped separately. Get our warehouse address in China and give it your Alibaba suppliers/factories for them to send the goods to. Once all the goods have arrived at our warehouse, we will consolidate and ship internationally to you.
Furthermore, warehousing, storage, repacking and consolidation of goods at our warehouse are offered free of charge. This allows you to take your time to make all the orders you need to make without worrying about incurring storage charges before shipping. We’ll store your goods for you at our warehouse until everything has arrived and you’re ready to ship internationally. Contact us for more details.